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Melvin Savella

Melvin Savella, is an accomplished metallurgist with over two decades of expertise in plant commissioning, process engineering, optimization of metallurgical processes and leading metallurgical innovations. His drive is to continuously challenge the status quo and improve metal recoveries with minimum cost while maintaining a safe workplace and develop a culture of empowerment, teamwork and collaboration.

Transformative Leadership in Metallurgical Engineering

Melvin Savella has consistently demonstrated his expertise in metallurgical and chemical refining processes. His tenure at organizations both locally and abroad has been marked by his ability to develop, implement, and maintain strategies that ensure safe, efficient, and cost-effective operations.


His achievements include:

  • At II-VI Performance, reducing cost by identification of non-value add processes, process flow simplification and optimization, and developing and implementing processes for new product lines.

  • At FCF Minerals, inoculum build-up of BIOX and ASTER microorganisms during the pre-commissioning phase.

  • Commissioning of FCF Minerals’ crushing-milling-flotation circuit, BIOX, CIL, and ASTER circuit, ramp up to full-scale continuous operation

  • Expat role at Vatukoula Gold, improve sulfide flotation and slime flotation recovery while transforming the plant operations to steady-state.

  • At Masbate Gold Project, doubling the nameplate capacity during the first few years of operation with improved CIL gold recovery via the introduction of catalyst, as well as automation of leaching chemical dosing which resulted in up to 1/3 reduction in process chemical consumption



Visionary Leadership and Expertise

As Sr Process Engineering Manager at II-VI Performance Metals, he’s responsible for process development and improvement on selenium, tellurium, and selenium chemical plants. He’s at the forefront of diagnosis of the plant processes, developing solutions to the process issues, implementing new processes, and training and transferring the new process to production. He ensures that the technical personnel are highly informed, motivated, and coordinated to achieve the highest level of process output and yield, product quality, and customer satisfaction.


 As the Metallurgy Manager at Apex Mining Co., Inc., Melvin led the Metallurgical Department and Assay Lab, acting in the capacity for Mill Operations. He is responsible for the attainment of mill production goals and targets, as well as the efficient utilization of all resources available for milling operations. Over his tenure, he managed to lower the Mill Operations to third in overall cost for the entire company, behind Mining and Administration costs.


A graduate of the University of the Philippines with a BS in Metallurgical Engineering, and ranked 2nd in the 2003 licensure examinations, Melvin's career is a testament to his commitment to excellence and innovation in metallurgical engineering. His visionary leadership and transformative achievements continue to set new standards in the industry, making him a key asset in advancing nickeliferous mineral extraction and laterite production.

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